Supreme Lv Wallet Real Vs Fake. Buy and sell authentic handbags including the Louis Vuitton x Supreme Slender Wallet Epi Red in Leather with and thousands of other used handbags. In the fake vs real Supreme x Louis Vuitton wallet image above, we have pointed out how the fake Supreme x LV wallet has its stitching at the top of the wallet looking too thick and too short compared to the stitching on the authentic LV wallet.
How to tell real vs fake Louis Vuitton LV Mens Wallet!
LOUIS VUITTON Official Website: Choose your country or region, pick-up your language and find the right version for you.
Fake Supreme footwear can also be a problem for buyers seeking the genuine article. One of them was manufactured by Louis Vuitton, the other one is from an unknown Chinese factory. The black damier graphite Louis Vuitton pattern is highly faked!