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Horton Hunter Supreme Crossbow. Was wondering what poundage it's rated at. I have hunted it off and on since then.
ARMSLIST - For Sale: Horton Hunter Supreme SL Camo ... (Amanda Freeman)
All of our design and engineering work really paid off. Unfollow horton crossbow to stop getting updates on your eBay Feed. Testing Dragon Hunter Crossbow at Wyverns.
My grandpa gave it to me cause he dosnt use it so it is probly my new favorite toy in the house.
This model is no longer manufactured and is no longer available.
ARMSLIST - For Trade: Horton hunter supreme crossbow
Horton Hunter Supreme SL Crossbow, includes scope, weaver ...
ARMSLIST - For Sale: Horton Hunter Supreme Crossbow
Horton Hunter Supreme Crossbow with Horton Quiver and Camo ...
ARMSLIST - For Sale/Trade: Horton- Hunter Supreme Crossbow
ARMSLIST - For Sale: Horton Hunter Supreme SL
We've scaled down every critical detail of an adult crossbow and designed this cutting-edge youth bow to fit a wide range of young. What Horton Hunter Supreme Crossbow clip are you looking for? David W Green - Horton Hunter Supreme.